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About Us
Multi currency payment service platform to make ecommerce payments simple and secure
Online payment processing
Create your own eCommerce global payment gateway with KAZA. Fully PCI DSS compliant and designed with multiple acquiring, alternative payment methods, anti-fraud solutions, risk management, merchants integration, smart routing, virtual currencies and more.

Whether you're running an e-commerce store, a subscription service, or just need to get paid once in a while, KAZA eCommerce tools help you create the best experience for you.
Fast withdraw
with plastic card
From 2% fee
to all transactions
From 0$
monthly maintaince fee
transactions per day
requests a day
total value
KAZAPAY was established in order to provide quick, simple and cost-effective solution.
KAZAPAY is an international financial institution that enables complex solutions for business. The team and the partners share the common vision of keeping transparency and trustworthy services as key values.

Our ultimate payment platform keeps simplicity of user experience as a basic driver. By simplifying and securing clients demands and online businesses have a powerful financial tool to run their daily demands.
Contact us
Main office
Business Accounts
General Questions
Our Location
23rd floor, 294 office, 7 Al-Farabi avenue., zip code: 050040, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan